The request that Medicare begin funding power seat elevation and standing systems has been in the works for some time.
The Medicare program currently denies coverage for seat elevation and standing systems in power wheelchairs. This means that Medicare beneficiaries with mobility impairments are forced to go without medically necessary wheelchair technology if they are not able to afford the costs out of pocket. The Medicare program is currently reviewing a request to provide coverage for these critical systems.
If successful, Medicare will recognize for the first time that these systems are “primarily medical in nature,” and, therefore, covered durable medical equipment benefits – not convenience or luxury items for wheelchair users. These systems help wheelchair users carry out important daily activities more independently, such as cooking, eating, and toileting. They also provide numerous health benefits, such as decreased risk of falls or injuries when moving in and out of wheelchairs, improved heart and lung functions, increased bone strength, and improved joint mobility, bladder function, and muscle strength.
This is extremely important to the myositis community!
Advocates can send their comments directly to CMS HERE to support Medicare coverage for power seat elevation and power standing.
PLEASE ASK EVERYONE YOU KNOW TO SUPPORT THIS EFFORT. Medicare must receive individualized comments with your unique voice, so please use your own words and explain why you support coverage of seat elevation and standing systems. When commenting, consider the following information to explain your unique story.
Talking Points for Comments
Identify Yourself
Provide a brief introduction of who you are and why you support this coverage. It’s important to provide your specific perspective and explain why YOU are supporting coverage for seat elevation and/or standing systems.
Express Your Support
State clearly that you believe Medicare should extend coverage of seat elevation and standing systems in power wheelchairs for Medicare beneficiaries with mobility disabilities.
Mention the Health Benefits
Note the numerous health benefits of these systems, especially any benefits that you have experienced or seen.
Talk About the Functional Benefits
Note the numerous functional benefits of these systems, especially any benefits that you have experienced or seen.
Thank Medicare for the opportunity to submit comments and restate your support for coverage. Encourage Medicare to quickly approve coverage of seat elevation and standing systems to ensure that wheelchair users can access the care they need.
Make it personal! What you say matters and your unique perspective is important.
My name is John Gladys and I have IBM and require a power chair to be mobile. I support Medicare providing coverage of power chairs with elevation systems,. I view the elevation system as a necessaire for greater mobility but also for greater SAFETY. The elevation system in the kitchen reduces accidents I previously experienced.
I fully support Medicare should extend coverage of seat elevation and standing systems in power wheelchairs for Medicare beneficiaries with mobility disabilities.
IBM can cause numerous falls which I did have causing surgeries for broken bones that required me to start using a power chair which has reduced my falls. but it is difficult to reach items from shelves or refrigerator because i cant stand on my own. The elevation systems allows me safety and independence.
I conclude by thanking Medicare for the opportunity to submit comments in support of your coverage. I encourage Medicare to quickly approve coverage of seat elevation and standing systems to ensure that wheelchair users can access the care they need.
I have IBM and recently acquired a Rovi A3 with elevation and standing. This was absolutely necessary for my condition. The standing elevation is necessary with IBM in order to get up. Without this I am dependent on help, a transfer board and gait belt. This often leads to falls that have left me with brain injuries. Sitting in the chair all day creates numerous health issues including pressure ulcers, circulation issues and blood clots in our legs. This addition to the chair cost us $8000 and was an extreme financial hardship for us. We were forced to borrow the money. Obviously with this disability financial issues are very hard. To not pay for this part of the chair is an impediment to all people with IBM. For 3 years I have diligently received physical therapy to try and keep some of my ability to function. I have now reached the final stage of my disease and this chair with lift allows me some independence, functionality and dignity. To deny us this is a life sentence to our homes. My recent hospitalization from a fall cost Medicare and my supplemental insurance over $75,000 for a brain injury. This was my 3rd brain injury in a year from falling. It would seem to be obvious that it would have been cheaper to have had the necessary lift on my chair at that time.
Thank you for your time and please reconsider your rules on elevation chairs for people with IBM.