Myositis diseases vary widely from one patient to another, so no one treatment will work for everyone. There are a number of medications available that may be used individually or in combination to treat most forms of the disease. Sometimes, some trial and error may be needed to settle on the best treatment plan, and the risks of serious side effects must often be balanced against the therapeutic benefit of these powerful drugs. Regrettably, for some forms of myositis, particularly inclusion body myositis, there are no treatments available yet.
Because myositis and its treatments are so variable, it is also extremely important that you communicate well with your physician about your treatment, its effectiveness, and any side effects you may experience.
Keep in mind that medications are only one step in treating myositis diseases. There are many other therapies that patients find helpful and are recommended to assist you live life to the fullest, despite the challenges of chronic disease.
Exercise and physical therapy
Complementary and self-care therapies
While polymyositis, dermatomyositis, necrotizing myopathy, and overlap disorders all, to varying degrees, are responsive to immune suppression and other therapies, inclusion body myositis still has no effective treatment. Nevertheless, research continues to better understand IBM, and a number of compounds are currently being studied as potential treatments for inclusion body myositis.