Orlando. FL
September 10-13, 2015

Back to the Future

Through videos, power points and written materials, TMA hopes to make as much of the Annual Patient Conference content as possible available to its members. More videos, presentations and other materials will be posted, so check often.

Live feed from conference

Reports from TMA Medical Advisory Members
Managing dermatomyositis
Understanding myositis medications (also see powerpoint)
What your antibodies tell your doctor about your disease (see also powerpoint)

Conference presentations

Understanding myositis

Myositis 101 (video)
What your antibodies tell your doctors about your disease (also see video, above)
Myositis and heart disease (video)
Myositis and infectious disease (video)
Understanding Necrotizing Myopathy – video
Complications from myositis – video
Myositis and lung disease – video
Do I have the wrong diagnosis? – video
Managing Polymyositis – video
Overlap syndrome
Myositis and swallowing


Systemic benefits of exercise
Know your pace, manage pain
Hand exercises


Veterans find support (video)
You might as well laugh
Design challenges and solutions
It’s your life, your terms
Traveling with a disability
General Session – Mike Powell
A dose of healthcare humor
Strategies & Devices (video)
Sharing your journey
A Dose of Healthcare Humor


The role of the healthcare surrogate (video)
What I have learned
Hands on with caregivers (video)


Understanding myositis medications (see also video)
The treatment journey