20th Anniversary Celebration

October 17-20, 2013
Louisville, KY


Thursday, October 17

Successful Support Groups – Marianne Moyer & Charlia Sanchez

TMA: Twenty Years Later: Progress in understanding myositisDr. Fred Miller, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences

Nutrition for inflammatory disease – Dr. Renee Lantner, TMA Board of Directors

Myositis: clues from the environmentDr. Fred Miller, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences

IVIG: Questions and answers about home infusion – Susan Artabasy, regional IV mamager, Walgreens, and Tracey Lynn Englert, Kentucky IV manager, Walgreens

Friday, October 18

Myositis treatment: How and why? – TMA Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Chet Oddis, University of Pittsburgh

Driving assessment and rehabilitation – Suzanne Farnan-Maddux, a driving rehab specialist at Frazier Rehab Institute

A new age for mobility – Dr. Mary Ellen Buning, professor, University of Louisville

Myositis 101 – TMA Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Chet Oddis, University of Pittsburgh

New approaches to muscle disease – Dr. Paul Murphy, Sue Maillard & Dr. Renee Lantner (moderator)

Dr. M. Paul Murphy, University of Kentucky, discusses research on Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, diet and exercise in IBM.

TMA Medical Advisory Board Member Sue Maillard, Great Ormond Street Hospital, reports on the effects of exercise on children with myositis, and how the results might be applied to adults.

Veterans issues – Stanley Kerr Chief, of Prosthetics for the Department of Veterans Affairs, discusses mobility, home adaptation and other aids for veterans with myositis.

The role of genetics in IBM, purpose and continuation of the St. Louis Study – Dr. Conrad Weihl, Washington University School of Medicine

Computer adaptations: apps for accessibility – Mary Ellen Buning, Ph.D, Frazier Rehab

Chronic disease in a fast-moving world – Dr. Amy Wood, author and practicing psychologist

PM/DM Drugs – Dr. Martin Brown of the University of Louisville Neuromuscular Center

Saturday, October 19

Syndromes, classifications by antibodies: what it means – Dr. Mark Gourley of the National Institutes of Health

TMA’s Medical Advisory Board – current research

Cancer, heart disease, dysphagia – screenings and risks for DM and PM patients – TMA Medical Advisor Dr. Dana Ascherman, University of Miami

Fall prevention and recovery – Kathy Paper

Screening for and managing lung disease – TMA Medical Advisory Board Member Dr. Chet Oddis, University of Pittsburgh

BYM338 – Breakthrough therapy for IBM – Dr. Steven Greenberg

Working with your health care team – Dr. Andrew Mammen, co-director, Johns Hopkins Myositis Center

Evolving uses of IVIG – Dr. Rossitza I. Chichkova, University of South Florida

Finding strength through faith – TMA Board Chairman Augie DeAugustinis 

Finding support and information you can trust – Bill Simeral, PM Patient