Myositis dermatologist and TMA medical advisor Dr. Victoria Werth is developing a one-site database study at the University of Pennsylvania called “The Evaluation of Clinical Responsiveness Using the Cutaneous Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index (CDASI).” This database, which was started in 2008, has already yielded valuable information and clinical insights into the pathophysiology, disease processes, treatments, psychological responses, and quality of life associated with dermatomyositis.

The CDASI database incorporates the Cutaneous Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index), a validated outcome measure of disease responsiveness in patients, along with other assessment tools, surveys, and patient information to help validate the clinical course and quality of life of patients with dermatomyositis. The CDASI database is an ongoing resource that enables clinicians to evaluate the evolving clinical changes, treatment modalities, and patient response to this challenging disease.

This study aims to enroll 300 adults who have been diagnosed with dermatomyositis. No medications will be tested during this study. The study will take place at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

To see if you qualify to enroll as a participant in this study, contact Victoria P Werth, MD at 215-898-0168 or

Find more information about this trial here.

More information on other clinical trials for myositis can be found here.