New Orleans, LA
September 1-4, 2016

Folks learned a lot at TMA’s Annual Patient Conference. If you couldn’t make it to New Orleans in September, here are the videos, power point slides, and other materials from many of the presentations. More materials will be posted as they become available, so check back often.

Understanding myositis

Myositis 101, a primer for beginnersDr. Steve Ytterberg 
Myositis 101, a primer for beginners – Dr. Thomas Lloyd
Discovery, understanding and progress in myositisDr. Steve Ytterberg
Overlap SyndromeDr. Chet Oddis 
Hereditary IBMDr. Margherita Milone
The many faces of IBMDr. Marianne de Visser
Myositis and lung diseaseDr. Dana Ascherman
Antisynthetase syndrome – Dr. Lisa Christopher Stine Informal question and answers
IBM Q & A Dr. Chris Weihl
Reports from TMA’s medical advisory board – TMA medical advisors
Understanding myositis medications – Dr. Namita Goyal
Understanding necrotizing myopathy – Dr. Andy Mammen
Promising Research in IBM – Dr. Thomas Lloyd


What happens when you exerciseDr. Helene Alexanderson and Sue Maillard
Prolonging independenceDr. Helene Alexanderson and Sue Maillard
Home exercise program for PM and DMDr. Helene Alexanderson
Home exercise program for IBMDr. Helene Alexanderson


Veterans find supportBob Greene and Ray Lesoine
Finding and paying for respite careKaryn Rizzo
Building resilience: Strategies that work to manage depression and stressRose Mary Istre
Nutrition for inflammatory diseaseRenee Lantner
Creativity as a beacon of hope  & ResourcesLiz Kitchens
Share your favorite strategies and devices – moderated by Camille Lesoine
A full life: What to do when you can’t do what you use to do – Ray Lesoine

For caregivers 

Finding and Paying for long term careKaryn Rizzo
Home health care: interview potential helpersKaryn Rizzo
Practical tips by and for caregiversSue Maillard, Nancy Harber